Aakon Capital – Introduction
Aakon Capital is a privately owned investment company that is managing investments of high net worth individuals from the Czech Republic.
We focus mainly on the following areas:
Asset Management – Aakon Capital provides its clients with tailor-made advisory services related to capital markets portfolios.
Private Equity Investments – our expertise ranks from venture capital to mid-sized businesses. We have the knowledge to optimize business models, facilitate new market opportunities, find economies of scale, source add-on acquisitions and attract new sources of capital from public or private equity markets, mezzanine or senior debt financings.
Real Estate - due to our experience with investing in the Czech Republic as well as in the USA, we are able to help our clients to efficiently diversify their wealth across all asset classes, while accomplishing above-average returns.
Please do not hesitate to contact us if you are interested to find out more about our activities.

Latest news / Recent investments
Artbanana launches operations
Since June 2015, Artbanana.cz is fully operational and provides its customers with possibility to buy online items from local art galleries. Customers can currently choose from more than 150 paintings with aim to offer more than 500 items within year end. More information at www.artbanana.cz